Message From Your Chapter President

AFSCME Retirees Chapter 4041 has begun a journey that will give our organization the identity and influence that we need to protect and empower Retired Public Employees in Nevada.
We have begun the process of welcoming all Retired Public Employees of Nevada into our organization. Our constitution needed updating and approval by the membership. AFSCME International assisted us in getting this done. On September 11, 2017, the membership was contacted by conference call and advised of the proposed changes. On September 18, 2017, the membership was again contacted and asked to vote on the proposal. The proposal was approved without a single no vote. The revised constitution will be posted on this web page under "RESOURCES" once a signed copy is received from the International.
Our work is now cut out for us. We must contact the thousands of retired public employees in Nevada and invite them to join us in protecting our benefits and caring for the life of retirees. As an organization, we have a lot to offer and we need to get the word out.
In Solidarity,
Charlie Muller, President